Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Tumblebees is On the Move!

For parents of preschool-aged children, making time for a weekly gymnastics class is often difficult. If you’re working full-time, the class has to be scheduled in the early evening at the end of a long day of child care when your child may prefer to be home. Weekend classes often interfere with other activities such as birthday parties, family outings to museums, or trips to visit grandparents. This is why Tumblebees brings you the Tumblebus, an innovative way to bring gymnastics to young children at more appropriate times.

What Is It?

What on earth is the Tumblebus? It’s a bus—actually two buses that rotate on a monthly schedule—that brings gymnastics classes to kids at child care centers in and around the Greensboro and High Point area! The bus is filled with specially sized gymnastics equipment, including a trampoline. Also installed are a balance beam, rings, vault, and bar, all safely secured and ready for young children. Of course, the bus is also loaded with brightly colored tumbling mats for forward rolls and cartwheels. Kids love learning new gymnastics skills in this fun environment.


Speaking of learning, the Tumblebus staff works from lesson plans developed every month that regularly add new skills to build on those learned the month before. The bus visits each location either once a week or once a month for group classes.  

Staff Qualifications

Tumblebus staff members hold all the same certifications as our gym staff including first aid with CPR certification and USA Gymnastics safety certification. They are knowledgeable in the areas of early childhood education, elementary education, and leadership, and are qualified to work with young children under North Carolina child care laws.

However, their most important qualification is that they love teaching gymnastics skills to preschoolers. They understand how beneficial regular physical activity is for kids and how much the sense of accomplishment in learning new skills adds to a young child’s self-confidence. Gymnastics is a foundation sport that incorporates social skills, like taking turns and listening to instructions, with physical attributes such as improved strength and coordination. All of these benefits help students transition to other sports such as baseball or diving and improve academic performance.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Benefits of Keeping Kids Active All Year

If your family is typical, your kids have probably spent at least part of their summer at a camp, either a local day camp or a sleep-away version, where the focus was on activity. Days filled with swimming, gymnastics, and sports are a great break from sitting at desks and are undoubtedly good for children. However, once the school year begins, kids still will reap huge benefits from physical extra-curricular activities all year round.

Physical Growth

The physical advantages are obvious. Active kids are stronger, have better stamina, energy, and coordination, and avoid extra weight gain. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, in 2012 the percentage of obese children between ages 6 and 11 was 18 percent and for teens and tweens it climbed to 21 percent. Avoiding excess weight gain in childhood and adolescence helps prevent other health problems in adulthood. 

One of the best known benefits—this actually applies to all ages—is that physical activity is a great stress reducer. Exercising muscles that have been underused all day releases tension, making it easier for kids to do their homework and pay attention in class the next day.

Cognitive and Social Benefits

Regular physical activity in extra-curricular activities such as gymnastics also promotes cognitive growth as children practice problem-solving skills on new problems in a different setting. Conversely, the skills they learn solving gymnastics problems will give them a boost in the classroom. Studies have shown that kids who are physically active perform better academically. 

Children also gain social skills from participation in gymnastics classes where they are required to listen to directions and wait for their turn. There’s also a lot of interaction between students during class as they help each other learn and practice each new skill. Perhaps the best benefit is that kids aren’t aware they are learning these types of skills. To them, the classes are just fun. They get to be with friends they may not see at school and they get to challenge themselves in different ways.

Finally, supervised extra-curricular activities promote safety. When your children learn new skills from a knowledgeable instructor, they learn how to do them correctly so they don’t get hurt. As they move through a class curriculum their confidence grows as they realize they can do these difficult movements. Confidence at gymnastics class translates to confidence everywhere else.

At Tumblebees, we have a variety of rec classes for your child, from gymnastics to rock climbing, parkour, dance and more! Learn more at