Overcoming Fear
Everyone experiences fear from time to time. One response is to turn away and try to put the episode behind. However, this is not necessarily the best response. Walking away from a challenge can leave you feeling inadequate and allow the fear to continue to grow and fester, like an infection that just won’t clear up. The better reaction is to face that fear and tackle the challenge. This is harder to do in the moment, but in the long term it is much more beneficial. Conquering fear builds self-confidence and self-esteem.
In many situations, the big fear doesn’t need to be faced all at once, but can be broken down into smaller increments to conquer one at a time. This is true of overcoming the fears involved in diving. Nobody climbs up to the highest platform and executes a perfect reverse dive involving multiple somersaults and twists the first time they ever dive. Even Olympic-level divers begin by learning a simple forward dive and then adding more difficulty as they gain the required skills.
Benefits of Competitive Diving
So let your new diver worry. Then share in his triumph as he conquers his fear.