Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Education and Fitness, Rolled into One! Why the Tumblebees Learning Center is the Perfect Preschool

What could be more fun for your two-, three-, four-, or five-year-old than the combination of an exciting preschool program and the activity of gymnastics classes? We can’t think of anything, and we’re willing to bet your child can’t either. The children enrolled in the Tumblebees Learning Center think they are just playing, but all the while they are learning a multitude of important skills and lessons that will help them through the rest of their school years and beyond.

Young children learn through their play. This is how they practice and reinforce new skills and concepts. Teach your young child to sing “The Alphabet Song” and pretty soon you’ll hear her crooning it to her stuffed animals as she plays school. Introduce a new phrase or concept and it will become part of her dramatic play repertoire. Tumblebees Learning Center focuses on learning in a fun, safe, and dynamic environment.

We build lots of time for physical activity into our daily preschool schedule. Your child will spend time in our gym learning age-appropriate gymnastics skills and engaged in physical fitness activities. Creative movement, such as rhythm and dance activities, are also part of the physical program. And because this all takes place indoors, the kids still get a chance to run, stretch, climb, and tumble every day, even during inclement weather.

As much as kids like gymnastics, they need some quieter activities as well. Inside our child-oriented classroom, your preschooler will participate in circle time where he will learn to sit quietly, listen, and take part in a discussion. Our curriculum includes art activities for the development of fine motor skills, science exploration, and reading readiness for four- and five-year-olds who will be moving on to kindergarten the following school year.

Throughout all of our preschool activities, the children are encouraged to develop critical thinking skills by solving problems and evaluating results. Numerous studies have shown that children who participate in gymnastics consistently do better in school. Gymnastics classes reinforce the listening, social, and problem-solving skills needed for academic performance.

Learning the joys of physical fitness as early as the preschool years sets the stage for a lifetime of healthy activity. In addition, as the children learn to control their bodies and develop better coordination, they also gain the confidence needed for success.

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